This document presents several RCS results derived from three structures: a PEC sphere, an infinitely thin PEC plate, and a PEC plate with 64 mil thickness. The structures are simulated at several frequencies. These structures are simulated as a verification of…

Austin RCS Benchmark with WIPL-D Software: PEC Sphere, PEC Plate (No Thickness), PEC Plate (64 mil Thickness)
Austin RCS Benchmark with WIPL-D Software
This document outlines multiple RCS results originating from three aircraft models simulated at four different frequencies. The aim of conducting these simulations is the verification of the quality of RCS results obtained using WIPL-D Software by comparing them with the…
WIPL-D contribution to the new EMERALD book
The long awaited book “Electromagnetic Imaging for a Novel Generation of Medical Devices“, published by Springer, is available now. WIPL-D is proud to have contributed to the book with the chapter “NUMERICAL MODELING OF COMPLEX 3D ELECTROMAGNETIC SCENARIOS FOR MEDICAL…
New book chapter released!
We are happy to announce that our book chapter on “Tools and Strategies for 3D EM Modeling and Design of Microwave Imaging Systems for Medical Applications” is published in “Computational Intelligence And Image Processing In Medical Applications“. More info on…
Radiation Patterns and VSWRs of Handheld Devices in Several Real-Life Scenarios
Four scenarios encompassing handheld communication device in various real-life environments are discussed. In all the scenarios, results of interest are VSWR and radiation pattern presented using absolute gain. For the model of the device resting in operator’s hands, the minimum…
Designing a Band Pass Filter with WIPL-D Filter Designer
A process of microstrip filter design has been described in this application note with a special focus on a technique of filter optimization, a simplified case of Space Mapping method. As a result of the design process a microstrip filter ready…