WIPL-D d.o.o. is a privately-owned company dedicated to the development of commercial EM simulation software and consulting in the wide field of electromagnetism. The company was established in 2002 with the head office located in Belgrade, Serbia. For more info about the company please check the following document.

Our flagship products are WIPL-D Pro (numerical engine, 3D EM solver) and WIPL-D Pro CAD (solid modeler and importer). Full portfolio of WIPL-D software tools can be seen here.
1980 – Prof. Branko Kolundzija and Prof. Antonije Djordjevic solved a square scatterer (λ × λ) problem on a IBM 1130 machine with only 16 KB of RAM, thanks to higher order basis functions which were used on a plate structure for the first time.
1989 – Prof. Kolundzija completed the academic version of WIPL software as a part of his PhD thesis. The code introduced modeling with bilinear surfaces and hierarchical basis functions.
1995 – The first lite version (WIPL) of our software was sold via Artech House.
1996 – The first professional version was sold.