Events 15-Jun-2022
IMS 2022, June 20-24, Denver, Colorado

We are very excited to be back at IMS 2022 which will take place at Denver Convention Center, Colorado, USA, 20-24 June 2022. Join us at booth 5058 or have a look at our MicroApps presentation: location: MicroApps @ IMS Show…

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Events 10-Jun-2022
Denver 2022: IMS and AP-S/URSI

After 2 years, we will finally have the opportunity to attend a conference in the USA in person. The Mile High City (Denver, CO) will be the center of RF world this summer. WIPL-D team will participate in two major events:…

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Events 03-Jun-2022
IcETRAN 2022, 6-9 June 2022, Novi Pazar (Serbia)

This year’s edition of IcETRAN (International conference on electrical, electronic, and computing engineering) is heading to Novi Pazar, Serbia. The conference will take place at the State University of Novi Pazar, Novi Pazar from 6 to 9 June 2022. Our…

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Events 15-Mar-2022
EuCAP 2022, 27 March – 01 April 2022, Madrid, Spain

The most prominent European Conference on Antennas and Propagations (EuCAP 2022) returns as a physical on-site event after 2 virtual editions (in 2020 and 2021). Madrid, the capital of Spain, will host this year’s edition from 27 March to 01 April…

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Software 21-Feb-2022
WIPL-D Microwave Pro 6.0 is now released!

We are pleased to announce the official launch of new version of our circuit solver – WIPL-D Microwave 6.0. Recent release brings enhanced Filter Designer and numerous new features and upgrades. WIPL-D Microwave Pro 6.0: What is New? – full…

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Resources 18-Jan-2022
Influence of a Fence Located Between Communicating Drones

Two real-life scenarios with three drones communicating at 2.4 GHz were investigated focusing on pure electromagnetic topics related to the physical layer of communication link between the drones. Both scenarios encompass the drones above ground plane which is approximated with an…

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