We are pleased to announce the official launch of new version of our circuit solver – WIPL-D Microwave 6.0. Recent release brings enhanced Filter Designer and numerous new features and upgrades.

WIPL-D Microwave Pro 6.0: What is New? – full release note
- Numerous Upgrades in Filter Designer
- A number of bandpass and bandstop filters were added,
- The filters are available in ideal line and microstrip technologies,
- Parallel Coupled Resonators, Coupled SIRs and Hairpin Line are new bandpass filters,
- Electrically Coupled Resonators, Open Stubs and Coupled Lines are new bandstop filters,
- Minor improvements and bug fixes.
- Multiconductor lines – multiconductor lines are now available in microstrip and stripline technology.
- 2D quasi static EM analysis method used for calculation,
- One to eight conductors,
- User controlled accuracy of the calculation,
- Visualization of the multiconductor structure and segmentation,
- Low frequency loss calculation – below the skin effect region.
- Impedance Calculator was improved by adding synthesis of Coupled Microstrip Lines from characteristic impedances of the even and odd mode.
- Expanded list of active 2 port network parameters with:
- Conjugate input and output match calculation,
- Maximum stable gain and maximum transducer gain calculation.