Coil with Continuously Variable Pitch


The models of the coil with continuously variable pitch were created using WIPL-D electromagnetic simulation software. In particular, WIPL-D Pro CAD software tool has been used to create the model, while WIPL-D flagship product WIPL-D Pro 3D EM solver has been seamlessly invoked to execute the simulations.

In WIPL-D Pro predefined primitive named Helix can be directly used to modeling a helix, coil or spiral inductor. However, if the winding of a coil is non-uniform, or is specified through an analytical expression, modeling is more convenient with WIPL-D Pro CAD.

The entire modeling process of the coil with continuously variable pitch consists of setting symbols, creating the wire according to the analytical specification of a non-uniform winding and subsequent sweeping of a cross section profile along the wire. The shape of the profile determines whether the coil would be modeled with infinitely thin conductors of with finite thickness conductors. The coil is then placed into a metallic frame. The feeding wire is also added. The entire process of creating the coil is straight-forward and can be completed very quickly.

Simulation of the model of the coil with finite metallization thickness typically lasts a couple of seconds per frequency for the case where a standard desktop PC or laptop is used, and is even shorter if a finite thickness is neglected.


Section: Low Frequency

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