Resources 11-Jun-2014
Automotive Applications

EM simulations have a significant role in automotive industry. WIPL-D software continuously improves its variety of tools supporting this growing industry. The range of EM simulations has been extended with CAD tools (allowing easy import of CAD files, as well as modeling and positioning…

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Resources 06-Jun-2014
Coaxial Fed Dipole Mounted on F-16 at 1.9 GHz

Three models of IFF dipole antenna with a balun which is covered with dielectric radome and mounted on the F-16 aircraft fuselage were simulated using WIPL-D software. The first model is without any reduction applied, while the other two models use antenna placement reduction…

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Resources 30-May-2014
RF Antenna Placement on Airbus A320

This application note presents WIPL‑D simulations of two electrically large scenarios. The first scenario encompassed a monopole antenna mounted on the model of the Airbus A320 (simulated at 833 MHz). The second scenario encompassed three monopole antennas mounted in three different positions on the…

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Resources 24-May-2014
Power Detector with Zero-Bias Schottky Diode

The design of a power detector can be easily accomplished if the right set of tools is available. WIPL-D Microwave is a one stop design environment providing a microwave circuit designer with several modeling options. The modeling using analytical elements can be smoothly expanded…

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Resources 22-May-2014
Splash Plate Reflector Antenna Design Guide

This paper presents the procedure for the design of splash plate reflector antenna. It contains theoretical consideration and foundation, as well as procedure for design in the WIPL-D software suite. Splash plate reflector antenna consists of two parts: feeding cylindrical…

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Resources 17-May-2014
Cassegrain Antennas with Diameters Up to 200 λ

Very large Cassegrain antennas are usually simulated using specialized asymptotic methods. However, WIPL‑D Pro simulates antennas of this type using very accurate and very fast Method-of-Moments with higher order basis functions which results in very high numerical efficiency. Due to…

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