Common systems in the modern engineering to be investigated are multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) systems. Quite often, the performances of such systems are verified solely through measurement since the electromagnetic (EM) simulations are rather complex. One of the investigation methods…
MIMO OTA in Anechoic Chamber
Emulating Electrical Properties of Magnetic Ferrite Tiles
This application note demonstrates emulation of magnetic ferrite tile electrical properties in WIPL-D Pro, a full 3D EM method of moments based solver (with usage of the WIPL-D Optimizer). Usually, the electrical properties themselves are unknown, while the performance of…
Scattering from PEC Spheres
One of the standard applications for demonstrating accuracy of electromagnetic (EM) codes in radar cross section (RCS) analysis is simulation of scattering from spheres made of perfect electric conductor (PEC). This application note demonstrates calculations of bistatic EM wave scattering…
EMI Shielding of RG-58
This application note demonstrates that WIPL-D can be efficiently used for simulating EMI propagation of field inside the cables and lines. The focus is on the advanced model of RG-58 coax cable with imperfection braid shield, which can be easily replaced with a…
High Level Miniaturization for Quadrature Hybrid Directional Coupler
This application note demonstrates how compact quadrilateral (branch-line) hybrid directional couplers can be designed efficiently using the WIPL-D Pro CAD. The designs are simulated by using the traditionally fast WIPL-D full wave 3D EM simulation. The CAD tool enables easy…
Electromagnetic Reflectometry with Coaxial Cable Models-Currents in Time Domain
This application note describes how electromagnetic simulations using WIPL-D Pro, 3D EM simulation software, can be used together with WIPL-D Time Domain Solver (TDS) module to perform the time domain reflectometry simulation. TDS performs transient analysis of a 3D electromagnetic…