Log-Periodic Dipole Antenna
This application notes presents a model of Log-Periodic Dipole Antenna (LPDA) in WIPL-D Pro CAD software. LPDA has 52 printed dipoles created from the scratch. The length of the antenna boom is 261.5 mm. The longest arm of the antenna is about 84 mm long, while the length of the shortest arm is about 2 mm. The simulation in wide frequency band is tremendously faster if at each frequency the model is meshed again, and the number of unknowns is adjusted (owing to special feature). The built-in interpolation allows to simulate return loss with minimum number of frequency points. The simulation was done at regular desktop PC, empowered with low-end Nvidia GPU card. The matrix inversion was speeded up by the WIPL-D GPU solver.
Section: Antenna Design
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