Waveguide Slot Array


Slotted waveguide arrays consist of a number of slots cut into the walls of a waveguide forming an array with the slots acting as individual radiating elements.

The specific design task here is a 10-element transversal slot array cut into the upper wide side of a WR-51 standard rectangular waveguide. The operating frequency is the center of the K band,  8.5 GHz.

Single slot model requires only 231 unknowns thanks to higher order MoM applied in WIPL-D Pro 3D EM Solver. The array model is built by using the single slot model and applying a single Copy operation to create the other 9 array elements. That model requires only 1149 unknowns. Single slot simulation lasts under a second on a standard desktop PC or any low-end laptop with dual or quad core CPU, while the array simulation lasts only a few seconds.

Section: Arrays & Radomes

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