Coaxial Fed Dipole Mounted on F-16 at 1.9 GHz
Three models of IFF dipole antenna with a balun which is covered with dielectric radome and mounted on the F-16 aircraft fuselage were simulated using WIPL-D software. The first model is without any reduction applied, while the other two models use antenna placement reduction and later shadow.
All simulations of this complex antenna placement scenario are performed very fast. The matrix inversion was speed up by using inexpensive GPU cards. The results shown demonstrate that WIPL-D can successfully simulate electrically large platforms (approximately 105 wavelengths length) with dielectric involved. The simulation is fast and accurate despite having 105 wavelengths aircraft and electrically small feeder area. The diameter of inner coaxial conductor of antenna feeder is only 3.16 mm (approximately 45 times smaller than wavelength).
Properly applied reductions yield preserved accuracy but the simulation time is significantly reduced. This allows simulation of return loss in wide frequency band, with low number of frequency points owing to built-in interpolation.