Effective Antenna Design by EM-Circuit Co-Simulation


The goal of a circuit-EM co-simulation is to alleviate the computational complexity decomposing the complete system into parts that need to be simulated using full-wave approach, and parts that would be modeled by predefined library components. The major benefit is that any antenna or antenna component of interest can be included and electromagnetically simulated, on-the-fly, at the circuit simulation runtime.

WIPL-D 3D EM solver and WIPL-D MW circuit solver present dynamically connected software. They are fast and accurate in co-simulation. In co-simulation, number of unknowns is dramatically reduced because of separating one big EM computational problem into many small problems.

Here, circuit is implemented in microstrip technology. It consists of two microstrip patch antennas and feeding network: microstrip lines, microstrip T junction and bends. System is analyzed in frequency band 9 GHz up to 11 GHz in 9 uniformly distributed points. Central operating frequency is 10 GHz. Simulation time is measured in seconds on any standard desktop or laptop.

Section: Microwave Circuits

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