The flagship product of WIPL-D software suite: an extremely powerful 3D electromagnetic solver that provides fast and accurate analysis of arbitrary metallic and dielectric/magnetic structures. The numerical engine is based on the Method of Moments applied to surface integral equations employing higher-order basis functions and a quadrilateral mesh.
WIPL-D Pro CAD is a modeling and simulation environment uniting versatile, yet simple geometry modeling, with signature WIPL-D simulation accuracy. The simulated structure is created using solid-based modeler, along with importer for various CAD file formats. Specialty tailored quad mesh algorithm produces mesh which is optimized for WIPL-D numerical kernel.
GPU Cluster Solver
GPU Cluster Solver combines GPU and MPI parallelization using advanced algorithms and Linux cluster(s) environment for parallelization of full-wave simulations.
Domain Decomposition Solver
DDS analyses electrically very large structures by subdividing the boundary problem into smaller sub-domain problems, solving the subdomain problems and combining the solutions.
WIPL-D Microwave Pro
A powerful circuit simulator that invokes WIPL-D Pro for 3D EM co-simulations. It has built-in modules for automated, wizard-like microwave filter and antenna array synthesis.
WIPL-D 2D Solver
Tool that performs 2D analysis of the cross section of electrically long structures with constant cross section instead of a full 3D EM analysis.
Add-on Tools
GPU Solver
GPU solver uses arbitary number of CUDA® enabled nVidia GPUs to accelerate the matrix fill-in, matrix solve and near-field calculations.
CMA Solver
Solver that performs characteristic mode analysis (CMA) of metallic structures by using advanced algorithms for mode calculation and tracking.
Time Domain Solver
It calculates time‑domain response to predefined or user-defined excitation pulses by using frequency-domain analysis and Fourier transformation.
AW Modeler
AW Modeler can be used for import of drawings in 2D DXF format and conversion to a simulation ready WIPL-D 3D EM projects.