Prompt tech support

Prompt tech support

- responsive within a day, dedicated to excellence -

All customers are welcomed to join forces with our technical support team to get the most from WIPL-D software suite.

WIPL-D Pro CAD 2024

WIPL-D Pro CAD 2024

New version released!


  • Increased stability – Import of CAD projects, import from Library, import of WIPL-D Pro projects, import of geometry files, import of multilayer AutoCAD files, attributes propagation and handling on Booleans, splitting wires by bodies, working with assemblies, validate model for irregularities, material…
  • WIPL-D scripting in Python
  • Expanded Domains in Project tree – All operations with body regions listed along with their materials
  • And much, much more…


Check out the release highlights for more info.

WIPL-D Pro v20

WIPL-D Pro v20

New version released!


  • WIPL-D scripting in Python:
    • Open and run WIPL-D suites
    • Access and modify symbols lists
    • Obtain simulation results
  • Voxel Editor includes:
    • Support for New voxel file formats
    • Refined decimation for models of complex shapes
  • New object BoCS
  • Medical Microwave Imaging (MMWI) Toolkit:
    • Design of Helmet antenna system
  • And much more…


Check out the release highlights for more info.

Microwave Pro 6.0

Microwave Pro 6.0

New version released!


  • Numerous Upgrades in Filter Designer
  • Multiconductor lines available in microstrip and stripline
  • Synthesis of Coupled Microstrip Lines from characteristic
  • Expanded list of active 2 port network parameters


Check out the release highlights for more info.

WIPL-D scripting in Python

WIPL-D scripting in Python

- scripting libraries now available -


WIPL-D prepared powerful, comprehensive, and easy-to-use scripting libraries that allow users to open and run WIPL-D suites, to access and modify symbols lists and to obtain simulation results.

One 3D EM software

Full 3D EM simulation software

- different applications & custom-made solutions! -

WIPL-D offers cutting-edge electromagnetic simulation software for fast and accurate electromagnetic and circuit modeling including various application areas:

  • Wire Antennas,  Reflector Antennas
  • Microstrip and other Planar Antennas
  • Waveguide Slot Antennas
  • Antenna Arrays and Radomes
  • Antenna Placement
  • Microwave Filters, Couplers, Connectors, Transitions
  • Matching Networks
  • Scattering, Radar Cross Section (RCS)
  • Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Crosstalk, …

Expert consulting!

Expert consulting!

- innovations to move
your business forward -

Our team of skilled and experienced engineers can assist you to meet the projects goals in time and within budget.

Prompt tech support

Prompt tech support

- responsive within a day, dedicated to excellence -

All customers are welcomed to join forces with our technical support team to get the most from WIPL-D software suite.

WIPL-D Pro CAD 2024

WIPL-D Pro CAD 2024

New version released!


  • Increased stability – Import of CAD projects, import from Library, import of WIPL-D Pro projects, import of geometry files, import of multilayer AutoCAD files, attributes propagation and handling on Booleans, splitting wires by bodies, working with assemblies, validate model for irregularities, material…
  • WIPL-D scripting in Python
  • Expanded Domains in Project tree – All operations with body regions listed along with their materials
  • And much, much more…


Check out the release highlights for more info.



The flagship product of WIPL-D software suite: an extremely powerful 3D electromagnetic solver that provides fast and accurate analysis of arbitrary metallic and dielectric/magnetic structures. The numerical engine is based on the Method of Moments applied to surface integral equations employing higher-order basis functions and a quadrilateral mesh.


WIPL-D Pro CAD is a modeling and simulation environment uniting versatile, yet simple geometry modeling, with signature WIPL-D simulation accuracy. The simulated structure is created using solid-based modeler, along with importer for various CAD file formats. Specialty tailored quad mesh algorithm produces mesh which is optimized for WIPL-D numerical kernel.

WIPL-D Electromagnetic Simulation Software - Products Overview

WIPL-D EM simulation software suite consists of core products, WIPL-D Pro and WIPL-D Pro CAD, and several add-ons built around the core products to expand the range of application and capabilities.

GPU solver uses arbitary number of CUDA® enabled nVidia GPUs to accelerate the matrix fill-in, matrix solve and near-field calculations.


GPU Cluster Solver combines GPU and MPI parallelization using advanced algorithms and Linux cluster(s) environment for parallelization of full-wave simulations.


DDS analyses electrically very large structures by subdividing the boundary problem into smaller sub-domain problems, solving the subdomain problems and combining the solutions.


Tool that performs 2D analysis of the cross section of electrically long structures with constant cross section instead of a full 3D EM analysis.


A powerful circuit simulator that invokes WIPL-D Pro for 3D EM co-simulations. It has built-in modules for automated, wizard-like microwave filter and antenna array synthesis.


Powerful multialgorithm optimization tool which calculates both a single and multiple solutions for complex, multi-criteria optimization.


It calculates timedomain response to predefined or user-defined excitation pulses by using frequency-domain analysis and Fourier transformation.


AW Modeler can be used for import of drawings in 2D DXF format and conversion to a simulation ready WIPL-D 3D EM projects.


Solver that performs characteristic mode analysis (CMA) of metallic structures by using advanced algorithms for mode calculation and tracking.

News & Events

Stay tuned for the latest activities of WIPL-D team. For faster navigation, all news are divided into 3 categories: software (new releases, patches, etc.), events (conferences, software training, customer stories, etc.) and resources (application notes, papers, etc.).
Visit WIPL-D’s Booth #29 at EuCAP 2025!

The 19th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2025 will be held from 30th March – 4th April 2025 in Stockholm, Sweden. The conference venue is Stockholm Waterfront Congress Center situated in the heart of the city. WIPL-D team…

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WIPL-D Supports Future Engineers with 5 Scholarships

With a vision of supporting the development of young talent through education, WIPL-D company has decided to award scholarships to five students from the School of Electrical Engineering (ETF) at the University of Belgrade. These scholarships are intended for students…

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Wishing you happiness, health, and prosperity in 2025!

Season’s Greetings! WIPL-D team wishes you a joyful holiday season filled with warmth and happiness, as well as an inspiring New Year! As we close out another successful year, we want to express our gratitude to our dedicated and professional…

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