User Stories
We are successfully using WIPL-D for the analysis of various satellite and terminal antenna geometries. The MoM code is especially suitable for the antenna placement on satellite platforms. Prototype measurements were always in excellent agreement with simulation results, giving us a large confidence in the tool over the years. We greatly appreciate the prompt and professional support by the WIPL-D team.
WIPL-D is being used for reflector antenna design including all waveguide components. Simulations run incomparably faster than in the other two EM software we have, and the results perfectly match range data. Lately, we started to use WIPL-D for GPS, wi-fi, and cellular antenna design to no surprise shortening the design cycle. Separately to mention awesome support from the WIPL-D team.
When searching for a 2D simulation tool for my THz imaging research, the WIPL-D 2D solver was the best choice considering its functions and accuracy. It helped me accomplish my PhD study. I also appreciate their fast and patient responses to my questions. I hope the WIPL-D 2D solver will become more and more advanced and benefit many other people who need 2D simulators.
I have been using WIPL user for over 20 years primarily for antenna feed optimizations. It is hard to beat the speed and the extensive optimization options that WIPL provides allowing optimizations for very large number of design variables with reasonable computation times not available in other options. I have also been using WIPL Microwave for circuit topology analysis for cascade amplitude and phase responses. The array and filter wizards are also very useful for initial designs.
HAWTI (Hawaii Advanced Wireless Technologies Institute), University of Hawaii team would like to share with the WIPL-D team our gratitude for the outstanding technical support we received from your team. Your team performance was truly admirable, highly professional and technically excellent. Thank you for an outstanding experience with your team.
Tallysman Wireless is a developer, provider, and manufacturer of precision Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) antennas and related products. WIPL-D has been our main EM software tool for the past four years for design and optimization of some of the most precise GNSS antennas available. With a track record of accuracy, speed, and unequaled customer support, WIPL-D has proved itself against other mainstream software packages and has earned its place as our main design tool for precision antennas.
I am using WIPL-D to calculate radar cross sections of various atmospheric particles at various radar wavelengths. WIPL-D is handy to create various shapes of particles: from simple hexagonal prisms and plates to dendrites and snowflakes of complicated habits. WIPL-D can also be used to model melting ice particles with various combinations of water and ice. WIPL-D has no issues known from models representing real particles’ shapes with collections of small spheres or dipoles. WIPL-D is a unique “off-the-shelf” tool ready to use in calculations of radar characteristics of various atmospheric particles. I enjoy using WIPL-D in my radar work. The user support of the company is superb.
We have used WIPL-D for almost two decades for antenna design, electromagnetic field analysis and recently, in the extremely low frequency (ELF) range with great results. We keep on choosing it as a daily tool not only due to its proven efficacy but because the technical support was always there when required with a fast and effective feedback.
We use WIPL-D daily and have “invented” at least 300 new antenna designs with it.
The GUI is functional and accessible to PC users. Affordable PCs with moderate speed and memory requirements can be used. Professional users find these codes to be quite user-friendly. Lastly, WIPL-D allows commercial companies to generate quickly new designs having optimum specifications, economical construction features and highly predictable performance without the need for time-consuming prototype fabrication, testing and tuning.
Seavey Engineering Associates (SEA) has used these codes for more than 5 years and has a WIPL-D design library of several hundred products. The company now routinely uses WIPL-D for many of its analysis and design activities.
We have used WIPL-D for more than fifteen years and seen the program to progress user friendly and versatile to be used in the whole frequency spectrum in our antenna production. The response from the WIPL-D staff has been always prompt and professional.
The employment of WIPL-D is recommended due to its applicability to a variety of antenna shapes, its accuracy, and its speed of calculation and for the insight that it can provide to the operation of any antenna.
It is a very versatile tool that can be applied to just about any antenna shape and configuration with good accuracy. WIPL-D is regarded as being a very powerful and useful tool for the antenna designer.
The accuracy of WIPL-D generally seems to be at a very high level. In summing up, all versions of WIPL-D have proved to be a fast, a very informative and an accurate tool for analyzing antennas.
WIPL provided the means for designing a 21-element collinear array almost completely by computer simulation. One cycle of physical modeling of the array element was required to achieve the desired impedance matching. The new Windows version, WIPL-D, greatly enhances the software’s capability.
WIPL-D is currently being used at the University of Hawaii for new antenna designs as well as EMC applications. We have successfully modeled phase shifters and phased array antennas based on the ferroelectric materials technology. The ability to parameterize individual metallic plates gives us the insight required for accurate modeling, especially the high insertion losses associated with ferroelectric devices.
I had the opportunity to test some programs for the EM simulation. Maybe WIPL-D is not as well known as other EM simulation programs promoted by RF media but I have to say WIPL-D is definitely the top leader in EM simulations.
My congratulation, great job +++.
The customer support and technical expertise shown by the staff of WIPL-D is superb. Their staff provides quick turn-around and their products support both small and large projects. We’ve used other 3D EM packages (costing 10’s of $K) and typically got referred to a sales representative when we had a problem, rather than to a cognizant engineer. WIPL-D is a high performance, moderately priced, mature product that any company looking for high quality EM design software should definitely consider.
WIPL-D (Wire/Plate) is a relatively new program that has the ability to model wires (similar to NEC4), plates, and dielectric volumes simultaneously. WIPL-D performed extremely well when compared to measurements on thick-wire multi-element Yagi antennas.
WIPL-D is being used at the Instituto de Telecomunicações for analysis, design and optimization of antennas for microwave and millimeter wave applications, artificial dielectrics, and radiowave propagation related problems. The open format of input and output files of WIPL-D, together with its standalone kernel, enable easy manipulation of computed data even allowing for integration of WIPL-D into user developed codes.
Introduced to WIPL-D by Art Lopez almost 20 years ago, through almost daily usage I have found it to be easy to use and quick to produce results. The time-domain feature makes it easy to see reflections and correlate them to the structure understudy.