Basic EMC Examples


Electromagnetic (EM) environment is an integral part of the modern world. The EM environment created intentionally and unintentionally by various sources. If the EM filed becomes strong enough, it can influence the operation of many electrical and electronics devices. The EM environment usually encompasses a receptor (a receiver of EM interference). The ability of a receptor (device/equipment/system) to operate satisfactory in EM environment without introducing intolerable EM disturbances to other devices/equipment/systems in the same environment is called electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).

WIPL-D Software suite can emulate numerous EM experiments. With remarkable variety of tools and features such as extremely efficient Method-of-Moments (MoM) based simulation kernel, GPU and CPU simulation on inexpensive computer platforms, ability to handle large-to-small details within one model, dedicated technical support team, WIPL-D is indispensable EM simulator for EMC.

EMC simulation capabilities are demonstrated with several basic examples: EM field in the vicinity of transmission line, waveguide resonator, wire in cavity, microstrip line with slot and printed circuit.

Section: EMC

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