To help our users become familiar with WIPL-D electromagnetic simulation software products and build up the skills required to efficiently use the software, we recommend two online training courses: the basic Intro Course followed by the advanced Evaluation Short Course.
The software FREE Demo version, which is available for download from our site, can be used to preform the tasks required in both of the courses. Due to limitation of demo version regarding the number of unknowns, only the examples included in the Intro course can be simulated and the results examined. The models from the examples from Evaluation Short Course can be built from the user side and sent to our tech support team for simulations. The team will perform the simulations and send back the results. Also, evaluation version with more unknowns and possibly some of the add-on tools can be requested from our sales team.
Intro Course
In this training course a user will find some introductory tasks tailored to easily get started with the software. After the download of our FREE Demo version, a user should install it and follow the instructions as described in each task. There are two sets of tasks, one for WIPL-D Pro CAD and the other for WIPL-D Pro, both illustrating some typical EM structures frequently encountered in antenna design, such as monopole antenna, dipole antenna, Yagi-Uda antenna, horn and patch antenna. A user is encouraged to try both modelling interfaces as each of the tasks takes no more than half an hour to complete.
After a task is completed, a user is welcome to send it to our tech support team for verification, together with any question that may have arisen during the training. Please note that ALL the files belonging to a particular project should be included in the communication with the tech support team.
Evaluation Short Course
This advanced e-mail-based training course comprises 6 tasks is targeting the users wiling to test some of the advanced software features. Again, there are two sets of tasks, the one for WIPL-D Pro CAD and the other for WIPL-D Pro.