3-Port Wilkinson at High Microwave Frequencies


The accurate modeling of the effects occurring at high microwave frequencies is the key to successful design of a Wilkinson power combiner/divider. WIPL-D Microwave provides a complete environment required for a design of these circuits including circuit and electromagnetic co-simulation.

Example of a design cycle has been provided. The cycle starts with the analysis of an ideal, by-the-book circuit schematic, continues to a more detailed schematic with models for microstrip discontinuities, and is then further expanded with the introduction of an EM component to model a complete microstrip circuit with high accuracy. Finally, the impact of a real-world resistor is demonstrated. The impact of each modeling step to degradation of circuit performance comparing to an ideal circuit is illustrated and explained in details. A designer is therefore provided with a clear understanding of what to expect and how to mitigate the potential problems at early stages of the design – it will be a good practice to utilize the smallest resistor size available, and, if possible, pick a substrate so that line-to-resistor-pad length ratio is maximized.

Section: Microwave Circuits

For full version of the document, please check the following pdf.